With the recent warm-up, we can now see the exact amount of winter kill experienced for 2013-14. Some areas are damaged more than expected and others are rebounding quickly. The largest extent of the damage is the fairways on holes 3,4 & 5. The greens that experienced the most damage are as expected #4 & 17, but some greens are going to need more time to recover. The greens still needing time to recover are #1,2,4,10, and 17.
As far as golf carts they will be allowed starting April 25th, but we will need help from the membership. Beginning next week we will be seeding #3,4 & 5 fairways in order to repair injured areas. Until seed germination and establishment we will need carts to stay off injured areas. Carts will be allowed, but you must stay outside roped areas.
Due to the damage to greens we have made a criteria for opening. If there are at least 8 hole locations the green will be opened, but hole locations will be at least 25 feet from damaged areas. If there are 5 hole locations pins will go in on Wed., Fri. and Sat.. Greens that will be open on a limited basis are 3,7,9,11,12. These parameters will be used until the entire golf course is open for play.
Now that soil temperatures have increased above 45 degrees we will start the seeding process. We ask for your patience and most of all...help in this manner. Stay off greens that are closed and keep carts off newly seeded areas. Thank you for your patience and understanding.