There was a very rapid change in weather we went from a wet April & May to an average June and now a bone dry July. The squeggee's were packed away and the hoses were drug out.We have a very solid crew that has done large amounts of handwatering to make up for the defeciencies of our irrigation system.

Here are some additional jobs completed this past month.

We once again had problems with zebra muscles plugging up the siphon line, which fills our irrigation pipe. A high pressure flush is done, but now the elevation of the canal is dropping rapidly and we may need to make alternative arrangements to get our water.

Servicing of the golf carts is completed monthly during the offseason and every 3 weeks during the summer. We check the battery terminals, water level, tire pressure and neutralize acid on the battery tops.

This is a picture of some insect damage we had on the collars of some greens. The insect pest is called Annual Bluegrass Weevil and feeds on the weedy grass. If not controlled the insect will feed on the bentgrass. We had to make a treatment for this pest as well as Cutworm.

The tee signs were weeded and mulched. Between all the maintenance items on the golf course it's very difficult for us to maintain these areas as we should. Some areas still have very maintenance intensive plants and this adds to the labor issue.

Henry our equipment manager has had his hands full to say the least. Here he is tearing down 75% of the mower to repair internal components of a hydraulic pump. Jacobsen the manufacturer only had 2 options for us. option 1 was to replace the pump @ a cost of $2500. Option 2 was a small re-build kit of unnecessary parts for $900. Henry took it upon himself to cross a number with a direct ditributor at a cost of $90. Outsourcing this job would have cost $4000. Henry has been with us for 6 years and is a huge asset to the club.