Thursday, April 28, 2011

Storm Damage Update

The course "took it on the chin" today just like most of WNY. I hope everyone weathered the storm alright. In all my years living in WNY I've never seen the winds that severe and it uprooted many trees. For the most part the trees were on the exterior of the golf course. As you'd imagine storm debris is littered throughout the golf course. The most depressing part is we were barely able to keep up with mowing due to the excessively wet April.

Our first priority is eliminate any safety matters with hung up trees. Following this we need to get caught up with mowing and in order to do this we will have to clean-up the smaller debris. Please be patient as the bigger debris will need to be cleaned-up at a later time.

I'll post pictures tomorrow

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Aerification Postponed!!

Due to the recent wet weather and forecasted weather for the upcoming week aerfication will be rescheduled. Typically, we would get as much done this week around the wet weather, but I'm afraid we will have very few completed and very inconsistent playing conditons. We will co-ordinate with the golf schedule in order to limit disruption of play, but there is a need to aerify the greens.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Course Conditions

In the last post I said I would update the course conditions yesterday and Thurs.. With the varying temperatures there was no reason to update yesterday because nothing changed and the long range looked good, but wet. Well, I'm glad I waited because it looks like most of the rain for the weekend will be very limited and things started to grow today even though it was cold. It's looking very good for Friday to open the course with carts. Check back here tomorrow afternoon or call the Pro Shop for an update. To give you more information the course is very wet and holes #8,9,13,16 & 17 are extremely wet. With a good drying day tomorrow we should be well on our way for some good golfing this weekend.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Pins went into the greens today, but we are not ready for golf carts. Although the course isn't officially open the pins are in for you to go out and knock it around. The course will officially open and carts will run, when we start regular mowing. Some greens have been mowed and others will get their first cut very soon. Fairways are starting to grow even though we have been very cold. Hoping next weekend will be the begininng of the golf season. I'll update this blog on Tues. and Thurs. night.

Electrical Upgrade

This past November NYSEG informed the club that the electrical service entering the clubhouse was suspended from a pole that was rotten and as risk of falling. Accompanying the faulty pole was an electrical configuration in the clubhouse, which was in need of an update.

In the frigid month of January the grounds crew installed elctrical conduit to move this service below ground. We'd like to thank Chis Hildreth and Hildreth Electric for re-routing and updating the electric service.

In March the grounds department finished off the job by removing the old pole and installing a new fence to increase storage. The old pole was extremely rotten and definitely was an accident waiting to happen. The pole was so rotten we were able to break it off and pull it down with a rope.