First and foremost I'd like to thank all the members that were involved in the member clean-up. We had 2 dates and an unbelieveable amount of clean-up was accomplished. This extra help saved countless numbers of labor hours and it is appreciated by the grounds department.
Winter recovery is coming along, but is moving at a slower than expected pace in some areas (9,10 and 16 cool/wet). #17 green will be open on some dates as recovery has been faster than expected with the aide of the greens cover. #4 is showing signs of recovery in some locations, but is really slow in others. If we don't get warmer weather soon we will sod large areas of #4 green to get it open and playable faster. The largest recovery problem we are facing is the lower than normal temperatures. We will do our best to keep the cups in greens and give you a playable golf course, but the pins will be moved to temporaries if there is too much traffic slowing recovery.
Due to the amount of repair work from winter injury I think we are 1 full month behind in growing conditions and maintenance. We will continue to work towards getting the golf course back to the conditions the membership desires and deserves. As far as posting scores we will continue to have discussions with Ed and the golf committee. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
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